Diabetic is a lifelong condition that causes a person blood sugar level become high, it affect eyes, feet and nervous.. The Hormone INSULIN produced by pancreas is responsible for controlling the glucose level in the blood. Due to various reasons, the production of insulin by pancreas is limited, lower or inadequate, sugar level in the blood increase which create problem for the body for regular function.

  • Diabetic Type 1 : If the pancreas does not produce any insulin, the person get affected by diabetic type 1.
  • Diabetic Type 2 : Pancreas does not produce enough insulin for the normal function of the body or human cell does not react to the insulin then type 2 diabetic occurs.
  • Early symptoms –Type 1 – diabetic & complications – remedies : Early and common symptoms of type 1 diabetic is are feeling very tired, very thirsty, passing urine more often than usual and sudden weight loss. It is suggested to detect the diabetic early; otherwise it will worsen the situation.
  • Causes for type 1 diabetic : Immune system attack healthy tissues by mistake. When it attacks the cell in the pancreas, it get damaged and become unable to produce insulin.
  • Major complications and early symtoms

    Loss of vision leads to blindness and there are chances for kidney failure, lower limb, cardio vascular disease, that may ends in stroke. Person suffering from diabetic must take a healthy and balanced diet. Must reduce fat, salt, sugar and increase quantity of fiber. However one need not completely exclude sugary food and high fat foods but should be limited. A well balanced diet shall be able to achieve good level of health and maintain necessary weight. Physical activity reduces sugar level in the blood hence regular exercise is advised. Avoid smocking completely because it causes lung cancer, heart attack, or stroke.

    Reason for diabetic


    Avoid drinking alcohol completely or reduce amount of intake substantially because it affect adversely on human immune system and the insulin capacity to carry out proper insulin treatment or blood sugar monitoring. Diabetic increases chance of developing various problems in human body in feet, including foot ulcer, infection from minor cuts and wounds etc. Presence of high sugar in blood can damage nerves system, develop skin and foot problems; small cut or wounds can become big wood with puss which may not heal for several week or month. Wash feet with warm water, keep the nail short, wear shoes, and consult with podiatrist regularly to avoid further complication.

    To check diabetic retinopathy, screen eyes at least once in ever year. If blood sugar is so high small blood vessels in eye are likely to get damaged, if left untreated retinopathy can eventually leads to sight loss.Reduce sugar level in blood before get pregnant and during first 8 week of baby’s development so that birth can be avoided. Further it is advised that high dose of folic Acid is administrated to protect new born baby from spinal cord problem.

    Early symptoms type 2 diabetic – complications – remedies

    Common symptoms are feeling very tired and thirsty in all the times, passing urine more often than usual and more urine than normal. Reason for increased level of urine output is the body always tries to get rid of the excess glucose in urine. Other complications are blurred vision caused by the lens of eye becoming dry. Hyperglycemia occurs when pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to control the blood glucose level.

    Hyperglycemia occurs mainly due to eating too much and/or ineffective medication.Most women having diabetic can have healthy baby but diabetic gives high risk of some complication. Women having type 1 or type 2 diabetic may be at risk of having a large baby which increases the risk of difficult birth. a} Child has a chance of congenital abnormalities particularly complication in heart and nerves system. b} child may have problem with their eyes or kidney. c} child may have heart and breathing problem.


    Dialysis is essential for patient suffering from End Stage Renal Disease. The major contributory reason to chronic kidney disease is diabetic and high blood pressure and these diseases are increasing at an alarming rate in India. As per latest estimate, up to 45% adults in urban areas and up to 21% adults in rural areas are suffering from diabetic in India. India is going to head the world capital of diabetic cases by 2025. Cost of dialysis is very high as 70% of people in our country depends private hospital for medical treatment. The usual cost of dialysis is depends upon the type of dialysis, consumable using, reuse of consumables, funding received by the centre, support from NGO, government etc.

    Dialysis is essential requirement for patient suffering from advanced Chronic Kidney Disease or Kidney failure and no renal replacement is possible. Haemodialysis is more popular as it involves lesser capital cost and is done under supervision in a Centre. Patient prescribed with dialysis need to continue the process till the renal replacement or the frequency of the dialysis process varies depends upon the condition/ seriousness of the patients. Considering the limited opportunity available in the government hospital, majority of patient will have to depend on private hospital/ centers and average cost per month will be around Rs.15000 to Rs.40000 per Patient depending up on the condition of the patient. Apart from above, patient undergoing dialysis will have to take special food and extra medicine to support he system.

    Considering the seriousness of the disease, coupled with additional expenditure on food, medicine and travelling breaks the patient both economically and emotionally. Dialysis is indispensible for those who suffer from diabetic for long period and those suffering Chronic Kidney disease. When human kidney fails/ ceases to perform it normal function makes life impossible due to following:

    • Human kidney removes waste, salt, chemicals, water and other harmful element from the blood stream.
    • Balancing the fluid level in the body. Chemical imbalance in the system disrupts the normal metabolism resulting in multiple diseases.
    • Erythropoietin, a hormone produced by kidney stimulates production of RBC which acts as a oxygen carriers in blood stream, ultimately strengthening the body. Any deduction or absence of hormone will weaken the body.
    • Kidney release hormone such as rennin and angiotensin which regulate the salt and fluid content of the body and assist in contracting and relaxing the blood vessels which manage the BP. Failure of the kidney cause increase in BP which damage the heart.
    • Kidney produce calcitrol hormone which maintain correct level of calcium and phosphate in blood and bone. Any failure causes reduction in calcitrol production which lead to renal bone disease.


    This is a situation when the kidney suddenly stops working, in most cases; this is temporally due to accident, injury or poisoning.


    This is a situation when functioning of kidney is being lost gradually. A particular cause for CKF is not ascertained, however, leading cause for CKF is Chronic Pyelonephritis, Reno vascular disease, kidney stone, Analgesic nephropathy and drug, high blood pressure, inherited and congenial kidney disease etc.Patient suffering from acute kidney failure are provided drug relief and temporally dialysis till normalcy is returned. Patient suffering from chronic Kidney Failure will have to undergo kidney replacement from a suitable donor but due to high cost of replacement the only option is dialysis.

    Peritoneal dialysis

    A special fluid is infused in the peritoneal cavity in the stomach which is surrounded by arterial end veins. The waste in the blood is transferred through the semi permeable peritoneal membrane.


    Under haemodialysis the blood is removed from the body is being cleaned using by a dialyzer and is returned to the body. An artery veneer fistula is surgically attached to the body for removing and injecting blood into the system.