We produce biogas fuel from organic waste /food waste/and from kitchen waste. It is the most economical and ecofriendly source of energy and it promote sustainable and clean environment. It help to reduce carbon and other toxic gas emission, highly harmful to the human, environment and gives life to all living being on earth.

We generate, install, and promote the usage of biogas energy in homes, schools, hospitals, and housing complex etc . Through scientific disposal of organic waste we aim to promote individual and environmental sanitation, control of the prevalence of various waterborne disease and improve health and family welfare.

Greening sanitation have tremendous potential to strengthen livelihood while enhancing the environmental sustainability. By converting large quantity of organic waste and sewage in to clean and powerful energy, we are enriching the earth and environment with clean air and atmosphere.

Organic wastes are all polluting the air, water, soil and the environment. Waste water degrades ground water, water source, surface water bodies, river and later the sea. Solid waste degrade all natural resources like soil, river, grass land, paddy field, wet land, forest etc. Greenhouse gas that absorb the infrared radiation rises heat in atmosphere, the temperature variation make changes in the weather, sea level, and ultimate climate change.

Safe drinking water & sanitation to all

No community development or social justice can be achieved or dream to achieve, unless adequate water is available to the common man. Water borne diseases not only kill infants and babies but whole people on earth. Large numbers of water borne diseases are spreading in our country and most of them are dreadful and kill human.

Polution kill human and all living being on earth and sea

Major source of air pollution in India are burning of firewood, biomass, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission, burning of plastic and allied waste, large scale crop residue burning in agriculture field. As per WHO‘s latest report, over 100 million Indian household use cook stove, firewood and biomass piece for cooking. Further millions of household use traditional fuel such as dried cow dung, agriculture waste, outer layer of dried coconut, coconut shell etc. All the aforesaid form of fuel are inefficient source of energy and its burning releases high level of smock ,PAHs, NO x, SO x poly aromatics, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants. In India around 500000 people die every year due to indoor air pollution. Indian uses largest quantity of firewood, biomass, agriculture waste, dried cow dung and kerosene as fuel for cooking. India is burning around 160 million ton of firewood, biomass annually for domestic purpose and it is largest in the world firewood.

Burning of biomass cake, agriculture waste, coal etc release over 185 million ton of combustion product in to India’s indoor and outdoor air every year. Compared to the India’s land area and less emission space the impact of air pollution is dangerous and deadly. It is estimated that during autumn and winter month, more than 600 metric ton of crop residue are burned in our country. Fuel adulteration due the high cost of petrol and diesel is also common in our country. Adulterated fuel emit more hydro carbon, carbon monoxide, oxide of nitrogen, particulate matter air toxin, which fall into unregulated emission category. The ultimate result, India is the 3rd largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world. Since our national thermal power plants are inefficient, it emit 50 -120% moreCO2 per kwh produced. Most pollutants factors are sulphur dioxide [SO2],oxide of nitrogen [NOx] suspended particulate matter [SPM]

Due to the presence of large volume of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, global warming reached in alarming peak which is going to be a warning signal for all inhabitants on earth. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide vapor, chlorofluro are the major and dangerous green house gases prevailed in the atmosphere. The most harmful air pollution is PM2.5 [particulate matter containing less than 2.5 Micron] containing solid and liquid waste. The particulate are sulphates, nitrates, ammonia, sodium chloride, black carbon, mining dust etc. When the level of presence of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide increase acid rain occurs. Acid rain is most harmful both to human and animals and to all inhabitants on earth including those live in water. It kills even plants, destroy soil and pollute the water.

We can conquer the most harmful and dangerous gas by scientific planning and time bound legislative regulation.Replace primitive, outdated and inefficient source of energy like, firewood, biomass cake, kerosene stove, and agriculture waste with high power BIOGAS fuel for household cooking.

Building hope for the future

Millions of home all over the world are powered by biogas fuel. Motor Vehicle and trams are playing with biogas fuel there by we can control carbon missions and protect environment globally.

So long as, most of the rural people in our country depends on natural resources for their livelihood and subsistence, the need for the preservation and conservation of natural resource and application of technologies become indispensible for community development. Greening sanitation programme have tremendous potential to strengthen the livelihood, while enhancing the environmental sustainability. By converting liquid and solid waste into pollution free fuel or electricity, the economical and social welfare of the people, health standard of the community and a better environmental quality can be achieved.

Contributing for the sustainable social development

Among all Alternative and Renewable Energy sources, biogas is the most eco friendly, clean, green and sustainable energy source in the world. The potential of biogas technology is growing very fast and ever expanding. It minimizes or controls many environmental and health issues of the world by producing eco friendly clean fuel. it controls global warming, reducing emissions of carbon and other toxicant gases, helping the nation to build a new pollution free and green environment. It improves the sanitation in home, in the street, public place, market both in urban and rural areas in the country. Waste creates innumerable health issues both for the infants and the old alike. Improved sanitation help to combat the spreading of innumerable water born and parasites caused diseases.

The quantity of waste generated in our country are mounding day by day due to large population and growing urbanization. To get adequate and suitable land for the deposit of municipal waste in thickly populated area in many cities and state capital in India become a difficult task due public opposition. Moreover, the cost of land for depositing industrial and municipal waste and the transportation cost are become burden to the exchequer. Considering the above factors, the impacts of biogas energy-fuel are most significant economically, socially and environmentally.


Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India has created a separate department called Biogas Technology Development Division exclusively to promote biogas technology in the country. Renewable Energy Act gives more emphasis on all bio energy sources. The motto of Integrated Bio Energy Mission is substitution of fossil fuel like coal, petrol, diesel, LPG with bio ethanol, bio diesel, and bio methane for electrical and other fuel purpose.

Carbon and other harmful gases in the atmosphere are result of extensive use of fossil fuel for electricity generation, cooking and automobile fuel. Most of the world class automobile manufacturers have production facilities in India as a major step to reduce production cost, enhance sales and improve profitability. This has resulted in lowering the price of used car and huge demand for the used carin our country.

Now the presence of used car in Indian market has crossed all limit and many rich and affluent keep car as a symbol of status without any limit and no legislation is enacted to monitor them in India. Even a non income tax payer keep car worth millions of Rupees without any legal hurdles. Due to the higher cost of petrol and diesel, the majority of poor people and public transport players add Kerosene or other low cost fuel with diesel or petrol which further create environmental and health hazards to the country. By adopting specific alternative source of energy we can minimize carbon and other harmful gas emissions.