Expanding livelihood opportunities for the poor and misfortunates , alleviate human suffering and to promote human dignity through our various community welfare and social development activities.

  • To create and increase awareness among all class of people, especially the poor and downtrodden about the preventive, progressive and curative aspects of Indian system of medicine. To promote Indian System of Medicine for better health and improve human immune system in body and prevent disease and side effects. Free Nutrition / supplementary foods support of poor in hospitals, Old Age home, Home for mentally retarded children, street children etc.
  • To implement plan and program to reduce communicable diseases and promote good health to the poor and needy. To protect children and women from violence, abuse and promote social justice
  • To conduct integrated program for the rehabilitation of street children, homeless, vagrant, poor widows, women headed families and orphans.
  • To implement Supplementary food / nutrition program for poor, sick, old, and disabled in hospitals.
  • To start crèches for the children of poor women workers engaged in house hold, cottage industries, medium engineering, construction, quarry & mining activities, factories, shops, other establishments and self employed.
  • Child line-child protections – counseling program on regular basis in schools from primary to higher secondary level, professional and arts and science colleges.
  • Free Vocational Training centers for poor in Tailoring, DTP, Book Binding, Leather Works, Toy & Flower making, Umbrella & Bag making, Mobile Phone servicing, Printing, Candle making , Paper & Cotton Bag making, Paper plate & Glass making, Carpet & Mat making, Organic farming, manufacturing of cane & bamboo furniture, jewelry & sari designing etc
  • Promote non formal – pro action environment education, clean and safe drinking water solutions, sanitation facilities, herbal gardening, etc. Further, to impart knowledge about the role of different factors in an eco system, their inter dependence, the need for survival so as to make involve the youngsters in environmental protection and preservation factor.
  • To educate youngsters in school and college level about the most dreaded and toxic effect of plastic and allied wastes, chemicals which pollute the whole earth, soil, water and environment and even question on human existence and live on all living being on earth.
  • To implement child care program during pregnancy and after delivery.
  • To promote collaboration among non profit, co operative, Trust and Societies, and ensure participation by men and women from diverse activities and communities and all level of people for common good and social justice.
  • Empowerment of disadvantaged and marginalized for housing, good personal hygiene and home sanitation, clean and safe drinking water, ensuring balanced diet, provision for adequate education and employment , and program for scientific garbage and waste water disposal.
  • To conduct multi specialty health camp in rural sectors so as to cater the health care requirement of the mass setteled in remote and hilly areas. Examination of cholesterol and BP, pre natal , neo natal and post natal care for babies ,treatment for fevers, dental and ENT problems, pain of joint and knee, , Skin disease, diarrhea, dengue fever , tuberculosis, filarial disease, water born diseases ,respiratory infectious disease, asthma and allergic ailment, etc
  • Sustainable livelihood program for tribal, SC/ST in rural, tribal, hilly areas.
  • Adequate provision for Shelter home for the poor in the street and supply of necessary food stuff . Promote employment opportunities for poor in rural areas in order to prevent migration of poor and unemployed people from village to cities inorder to prevent fast growing urbanization which become major threat in health, sanitary, employment, housing sectors and endangering human life in big cities and metros.
  • To set up maternity center in remote and most backward areas and to support pre natal, neo natal and post natal care for mother and promote child health
  • Regular financial assistance for medicine and food for extreemly poor patient suferring from various acute ailments like diabetic,kidney,cancer, cardiac, orthopedic problem. Free Dialysis centers to support poor in rural and urban areas.


The following enthusiastic, compassionate, committed, and dedicated professors .

  • Dr. Prof. Benoy Kurian MBBS MD
  • Dr. Prof. Ramesh M pharm Phd
  • Dr. Prof. Adipatti Phd
  • Dr. Prof. Kalashetty MBBS, MD
  • Dr. Prof. Cariappa MBBS, MD
  • Dr. Prof. Vinod Phd
  • Dr. Prof. Udayakumar Rao MBBS, MD
  • Dr. Prof. Sethuraman Phd
  • Dr. Prof. prakash Kumar MBBS, MS
  • Dr. Prof. Karumbaiah MBBS, MD
  • Dr. Prof. Yashwath Rao Phd
  • Dr. Prof. Nandayal MBBS,MS
  • Dr. Prof. Nagaraj MBBS, MS
  • Dr. Prof. Manohar MBBS, MD
  • Dr. Prof. Joseph MDS
  • Dr. Prof. John MBBS, MD
  • Dr. Prof. Channa Reddy MBBS,MS
  • Dr. Prof. Asok BDS
  • Dr. Prof. Dominic MBBS,MD
  • Dr. Prof. Yathi pathak MBBS, MS


People are our wealth. All those who love, care and have concern for others are our inspiration and wealth.


Individual, Institutions, Societies, Cubs, Social service organizations, Partnership organizations, Limited companies, Co operative societies, Trusts, other welfare or any business organization can partner with us for this social cause. Your humble association can definitely write history in mankind and bring smile to many innocent face otherwise they could not dream a bit of happiness throughout their life.


(Project available for joint venture/adoption/partner ship /leadership /management /total implementation/ total funding/Part funding /total funding and management)

Project available for TFAM [ total funding and management, ] PFAM [ Part funding and management], PFSC [ part funding scheme] FFSC [ full funding scheme], Sponsorship/ joint venture /partnership/CSW project are available in metros, big cities, and town, block level urban, rural, suburban, village, hilly and tribal areas. The nature of projects may be any one or multiple of partner’s choice; however the following projects are preferred.

  • The Management of TRUST seeks, project oriented assistance under the supervision of the donor or their duly authorized nominee
  • Home for street children, blind and deaf, mentally retarded, physically handicapped, widows, destitute, old and homeless.
  • Free Feeding scheme for poor in hospitals, city streets, homeless, mentally retarded children’s home, old age home. etc
  • Night shelter home for poor and vagrants in town, cities and metro cities.
  • Home school for poor in rural, hilly, tribal areas.
  • Assistance for poor in school, college, hospital, old age home, orphanage centre for clothing, food items, medicine etc.
  • Small scale manufacturing unit for promotion of employment opportunity for poverty alleviation and economic self reliance of the poor and marginalised.
  • Vocational training in various categories for enhancing employment opportunities for improving standard of living.
  • Mobile clinic with adequate medicine and staff in rural, tribal areas.
  • Village /ward adoption scheme to develop as model Village/Town
  • AYUSH Clinic/ Nursing Home in any area of donor’s choice
  • Drinking water and Sanitation project in rural / urban /sub urban or any area of donor’s choice
  • Lavatory facilities for poor all over the country.
  • School infrastructure development and beautification project.
  • Promotion of women empowerment scheme through promotion of various employment opportunities for poor.
  • Counseling in school, college, training centers, institutions and business organizations to protect children and women from harassment and abuse.
  • Environmental educations, seminars on air, water and soil protection and preservations campaign.
  • Promotion of eco friendly packing material and replace plastic, flex and allied products all over the country.
  • Promote traditional food habit and control new life style diseases and health problems.
  • Promote agro based and cottage industries to provide employment and economic self reliance and for a new order in human life.
  • Counseling, seminars, road show to deprive the use of liquor and other similar intoxicant to save people from acute ailment and health hazards.


The Trust provide funding to improve the housing facilities of low income person particularly the elderly person with disabilities, women headed families, orphans, poor suffering from acute disease, family in distress etc


When a member in a family face extreme difficult situation or something that may end up in the worst in their life [Serious illness, tragic accident or even death ] the whole family become mentally worried , depressed, and unable to move further , In a fragile economic situation anything may happen to anyone at any time. Business may end up in heavy loss, Agriculture may be perished due to climate change, price of agriculture may come down heavily due to bad economic policy culminating heavy and unbearable loss, loss of employment due to economic breakdown, - whatever may be the reason, an unexpected event involving huge financial burden in a family of poor leaves the family reeling from shock to absolute standstill. The Trust comfort and help the aggrieved family with tremendous relief activities depend upon the circumstances, the requirement, situation and condition of the family or its members.

Further, the Center assists the aggrieved member /family in the socio economic evaluation to address their practical concern. Provide personal or family counseling to help navigate personal dilemma, spiritual, and social conflict.


Child welfare service aims to protect children from hunger, homelessness, abuse and neglect. Apart from looking after child basic requirement, the Center provide security from all eventualities , and provision for primary to secondary level education, vocational and professional education, medical/dental care and financial assistance and allowances,temporaly and regular financial scheme for rehabilitation , employment, overall growth and development . Parents of poor families feel less stress and pain as the Centre take overall responsibility and care for their children


The center provide hope and happiness to those poor, ill fated and suffering from acute physical, emotional and psychological problem.The centre provides treatment facilities for Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Holistic treatment, Psychological treatment.


The Centre support people to set up, run and manage social enterprises on sustainable and successful manner


Plastic pollution adversely affect human and animal alike. Plastic contribute ten percent of discarded waste. Chlorinated plastic can release harmful chemical into the surrounding water source which can seep in to the ground water or in the surrounding water source and to the ecosystem. Any living being that drink this contaminated water can cause serious harm to the health.

In 2012, it was estimated that there was approximately 165 million ton plastic waste in the world’s ocean. Toxic chemicals like bisphanol A, Polystyrene, Plastic Pellets, Plastic carry bag, Plastic food container etc are the most common types of plastic pollution in the earth and ocean. As per the recent study it was estimated that 5 trillion plastic pieces afloat on the sea. The pollution in the ocean is an ongoing global crisis. The litter that is being delivered into the ocean is toxic to the marine life and ultimately to human.

The toxins that are components plastic include diethylhexil phthalate which is a toxic carcinogen as well. Lead, cadmium and mercury plankton are dreadful to the marine life and ultimately to human race through food chain, ingest these high toxic carcinogens and chemicals. Consuming the fish that contain these toxins can cause an increase in prevalence of cancer. Immense disorder in human life and birth defects. Further plastic is terrible for the ecosystem and detrimental to the future of whole earth. Majority of the litter near and in the ocean is made up of plastic. According to Dr Marcus Erickson, there are 5.25 million particles of plastic pollution that weigh as much as 2, 70,000 ton in the ocean.


Carbon monoxide is a product of incomplete combustion of organic matter due to insufficient oxygen supply. It is often produced in domestic and Industrial settings and by motor vehicle running on diesel, methane, gas heaters, other carbon based fuels, cooking equipment that are powered by carbon based fuels. Carbon monoxide poisoning is due to the use of increased number diesel vehicles, expanded domestic use of gas furnaces, kerosene and kitchen stove etc. Even in many developing and developed nations, carbon monoxide is the causes of more than 50% total poisoning.

Carbon monoxide mainly causes adverse affect in human by combining with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin in the blood. This prevent hemoglobin from carrying oxygen to the tissues, effectively reducing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood …leading to hypoxia.


In many developing countries in the world, unhealthy eating is cited as the second largest or major killer after smoking. Foods added with growth hormones, vegetables and fruits laced with pesticides, food grain and powders stored by applying fungicide and pesticide, soft drinks with full of refined sugars, preservatives, chemicals and colors, artificial taste enhancement by manufactured chemicals and preservatives. Food that is excessively high in fat, accumulated calories and refined sugar and chemicals can cause fatal changes to our brain and body. More over fast food make children overweight and obese. The synthetic flavors, and colors that use widely in the fast food and packed foods is fatal to human body and a major causes for cancer, birth defects Immune system breaks down, neurological damage, and interface with normal childhood development. The chemicals and pesticide uses by industrial giant for conservation of food grain and finished product for a long period in the warehouse also pose fatal risk to human health like blue baby syndrome in infants, birth defects, and cancer in the gastrointestinal trace. Most cases bacteria tainted foods are supplied in large fast food centers and department stores.


India is lagging behind many countries in the world with regard to environmental sanitation. It is estimated that by 2025 more than 50% of India’s population will live in the cities and town. The ever increasing population, rising growth of population in urban areas, , poor LSG operation In promoting and maintaining sanitary facilities, , weak and lack of financial resources in the LSG departments, ,shortage of safe drinking water supply both in rural and urban areas, lack of sanitation education and more ignorance about personal and public hygiene , poverty and low level education, industrialization etc are major causes for poor environmental sanitation in our country.

The key intervention areas are individual and household sanitation, clean and hygiene latrine facilities in public places like bus bay, airport, railway station, and bazaar and in selected areas in cities and town. Moreover, adequate and clean toilet/latrine facilities with regular and adequate water supply in school, colleges, play schools hospitals and medical complex and community centers, sanitary complex in busy centers are indispensible.

Environmental sanitation is essential and the prime factor for the promotion and improvement health status of our society. World health Organization‘s guideline for drinking water quality emphasis, an integral approach to water quality assessment and management from source to final consumption. Guideline emphasis the maintenance of microbial quality to prevent waterborne infectious diseases, protection from chemical toxicants, and other contaminations.

Shortage of adequate and safe drinking water, improper and unscientific disposal of plastic and allied material waste , poor personal and household hygiene, low level environmental sanitation, unsafe and improper disposal of humane excreta, dirty and clean less public transport system, unhygienic public comfort stations etc are the main contributors for many infection diseases in our country.

Improvement in regular, adequate and clean water supply and better environmental sanitation and personal and household hygiene are indispensable for public health. Morbidity and mortality due to water borne diseases are increasing day by day even when increase in the availability of portable water. In India still large number of young children die under 5 years due to diarrhea alone. In India around 65% urban populations still do not have proper sanitation


Shortage of Housing and other basic amenities are major problem hindering social development in India. As per 2011 census, our 20 million household live in 49000 slums. Apart from above, housing shortage in urban areas are over 25 million. One forth of urban population lives in slums. Census of India 2011 further state that estimated housing shortage of 24.71 million and estimated slum dwellers are above 93.06 million. Life in the most congested and unhygienic slums make one both mentally and physically unhealthy are unable to do anything productive. Moreover, the tap water which is the single source of drinking water for 70.6% of population and many a time it became unsafe due to multiple reason culminating outbreak of infectious and waterborne diseases which ultimately break the economic backbone of the family and make their life more miserable and suffering.


Malnutrition generally means insufficient availability of nutrients to the body. In some cases it occurs either due to under nutrition or over nutrition. In any case, malnutrition means insufficient, excessive or imbalance consumption of nutrients that are essential for adequate and proper growth of human being. In India malnutrition and various diseases connected with malnutrition is the largest contributor to child mortality. Under weight birth and inter uterine growth are responsible for about 2.2 million child death annually in the world. Deficiencies in Vitamin A or Zinc cause 1 million death each year. World Health Organization estimate that malnutrition during childhood usually result in worse health and lower educational achievement during childhood. Children having malnutrition tend to become adult who have smaller babies. Malnutrition is also seen as a reason for more complication to children having disease like measles, pneumonia, and diarrhea. Financially poor, socially isolated, and those who are hospitalized for long period, people having eating disorders are often prone to malnutrition . Children who are severely malnourished, typically experience slow behavioral development, even mental retardations may occur. Under nutrition may have long term effect in children with impairments in metal function and digestive problem persisting. Most common diseases connected with shortage of various vitamins are:

Scurvy: Normally seen in children. Early symptoms are bleeding and bruising, loss of hair and teeth-swelling in joint coupled with severe pain

Rickets: It is a malnutrition disease due to deficiency in Vitamin D , calcium or phosphorous . When it lack, body extract mineral, calcium or phosphorous from the bone and finally bones become weak and later inability to walk and move

Goiter : It occur due to deficiency in iodine and can notice swelling in the neck. Sometime swelling may be large and may seem difficulty in breathing.

Anemia : It occur due to deficiency in vitamin B12,and iron. Shortness of breath, fatigue, tiredness and lethargy are symptoms

Marasmus : It affect infants and children mostly. Failure of immune system hence easily prone for many infective diseases, constant fatigue, loss of weight are common symptom . Kwashiorkor Early symptoms are total upset on stomach, enlargement of liver, thinning of hair, skin pigmentation, dermatitis, los of teeth, edema in feet, constantly irritable mostly anorexic, weaken immunity system and susceptible into infectious diseases


Alcohol absorbed into blood stream very fast and disturbs the body very soon. It causes physical and emotional change that can do great harm to the body slowly. Continuous and excessive use of alcohol or alcohol abuse make health in serious jeopardy and endangering life. Alcohol abuse can cause pancreas to produce toxic substance that interfere with proper functioning of the body. Continuous use of alcohol causes inflammation in pancreas culminating in pancreatitis ,a problem that can destroy pancreas slowly. Medically it is proved beyond doubt the alcohol abuse is the major reason for chronic pancreatitis. Further excessive drinking causes alcoholic hepatitis and which can be developed into jaundice.

Chronic liver inflammation can lead to severe scarring known as cirrhosis. The formation of scar tissue can destroy the liver, making life endanger and threatening. When the pancreas and liver do not function properly the risk of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar arise. Alcohol abuse rise risk of liver cancer. Alcohol passes early through our body and quickly reaches in brain and Central Nervous System Neuse, anxiety, nervousness, tremors , restlessness are common symptoms normally seen in excessive drinkers. Alcohol can wreak havoc on digestive system, injure parts of digestive tract, damage salivary glands, irritate the mouth and tongs leading to gum disease. Heavy drinking can further cause ulcer and inflammation in stomach

Major problem due to excessive drinking :

Pain in pancreas, liver take burned, slurred speech, major mouth problem, hallucination, malnutrition, skinny skeleton, infertility, stomach disease, birth defects, muscle cramps, short cough, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke, heart attack etc. Long use of alcohol make harder for body to produce new bone resulting bone fractures cramp ,atrophy.


  • Volunteering aims to promote every sort of assistance to those who need care, comfort and compassion but they are either old, defenseless, sick and helpless. Volunteers are so valuable to meet the most challenging and the ever changing modern world through their devotion, love , concern, charity, and service.
  • Volunteers bring happiness and joy to many misfortunate and negleted people in our society who are otherwise loose hope in life and have a most deparate and meaningless life.
  • Befriending with people who lost hope in life or under extreme desperation owing to incurable disease or ailments, people who lost both physical energies and mental health due to ageing or some unexpected or unforseen event, or unbearable real life situations.
  • Care giving to wheel chair bound elders and all ill fated people.
  • Care Giving { prepare food, nutrients, give medicine and care} for old living alone in Home .
  • Befriending and Care giving for Elderly residents in Pain and Paliative center, old age Home, hospital, Individual home, and nursing home etc.
  • Befriending, Counseling and guiding women, children or any other members of a family from the sea of sorrows due to any unexpected calamity, accident or death
  • Mentor or Sponsor for Youth in Distress or at Risk.
  • Organize and conduct seminar on Breast Feeding, basic personal hygiene, good and safe drinking water, basic sanitation, nutrient supplement, school education, environmental education, , ill effect of use of liquor and other intoxicants, teen age pregnancy, frequent pregnancy – pre natal, post natal, and neonatal care .


The centre promotes the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing. Necessary training for the integration of mind, body are to be provided so as to achieve the ultimate goal and finding meaning and purpose in human lives. The Centre support every human to live to its fullest and to maximize personal potential in variety of ways and involve continuing learning and making changes to enhance their state of wellness.