Aging is quite natural and applicable to all on earth both rich and poor, prince and peasant alike; still it is perturbing and most painful to everyone. Loosing of physical energies, fading of external beauty and physical charm, diminishing memories of recent past are time tested realities of present but it all seems extremely difficult and most disturbing fact to accept.The phase of creativity, power, position, achievements, and glory is all records of the past but still greens in his/her memory but nobody now remember or ready to accept it. To add to these woes, the most beloved children,, for whom both mother and father once lived, spend everything they had, including their health and wealth, sorrows and suffering. They are now started to question and accuse about the past deeds and deals. It is unbearable, most perturbing and painful for anyone who has a heart or soul.

A person who once enjoyed most powerful position in the family now pushed into periphery. Once he/she looked after everything in the family today left with a role of mere observer. More over often his/her presence in the family seems as a nuisance to the youngsters. A person once enjoyed the center place at the family now become an burden and nobody is bothered about him or her any more.At this difficult juncture of total neglect, distress and depression, loneliness and sorrow what one needed is both physical comfort and emotional support, love, respect, dignity compassion and care. We welcome all our dignified, highly respected, compassionate and loving brothers and sisters to the Santhi Home. We wish you all a very happy and joyous stay. We are further glad to take whole responsibility of absolute caring and perfect nursing by our well trained, disciplined, dedicated and courteous staff.

We shall provide you suitably furnished, well arranged, accommodation and adequate facilities for TV viewings, reading, recreational, dining, Meditation, yoga and prayer. Additional facilities for regular medical and Dental care, physical exercising, complete and planed diet according to the prescription/ advice of doctors shall also be provided. Whenever hospitalization is required full support right from hospital admission to final discharge is provided.At Santhi Home, you will experience the real and meaningful love which emancipates all bondage. The True and sincere love live only in good and generous heart which never oppose, oppress or suppress. it won’t even think of any evil thing in mind, it never quarrel or fight, it never envy nor enjoy in other’s sorrow or sufferings. It sees happiness when others prosperous and feel sad when pain and suffering surround others. It sees happiness when others rise or progress and bear pain when others suffer or downfall. We preach and practice spirituality which promotes perfect and continuous inner pleasure, peace and joy and true happiness in life. Good people live for the welfare of others and every human shall get true happiness when we give and not when we get.

We aim to provide excellent humanitarian service to the neglected and abandoned senior citizen in our society. Our endeavor is to create trust and confidence in the private Old Age Home sector in Kerala. The foundation of our service ethics remain on superior quality individual care, total health care, wellness and well being of everyone.


To ensure everlasting inner peace and eternal joy to the most neglected misfortunate, and helpless old people, provide perfect happiness and physical wellness through abundant motivation, adequate emotional and psychiatric support.


We shall assist the gentle folk to regain the dignity, solidarity and respect once they lost, fill their heart and soul with compassion and love, spread abundant love and adequate affection in their perturbed and sobbing mind, and continue to inspire their mind and body with gentle spirit and noble thought.

To provide professional counseling to assist them to deal with specific problem, develops hobbies among the residents, ensure association / Participation by residents for the well maintenance of the house and surrounding area so as to promote responsibility, keeping them always busy and the body fit. Create a family atmosphere where the residents feel a homely atmosphere and everyone feel comfortable and cared. Facilities for entertainment, yoga, meditation, holistic, naturopathy and physiotherapy practice by professional.


Our Advisors are highly qualified, well experienced and dedicated people with proven track and records.


Our managing council members are talented, dedicated and visionary people, who plan, direct, guides and motivate our residents on complex issues.


Male and female senior citizen having 60 or above are admitted in our Home. However, person living alone in home , physically handicapped and requires others assistance for daily routine activities or both husband and/ or wife abandoned by children, or any other circumstances the management seem fit, people under 60 years are also be admitted. Most case, the people who depend on Old Age Home are defenseless or oppressed, neglected or abandoned by their own children and immediate relatives hence the resident can live so long as they wish or till their end.


Homemade and quality food items are being served to the resident. Pure and superior quality milk products for beverages, natural coconut oil for cooking, high quality rice, cereals, for lunch and dinner.


Utmost care will be taken by the management for the promotion of both physical and mental health. Timely and quick action will be taken in the event of any symptoms of disease or ill health. Boiled drinking water from the own well only will be served throughout the day to avoid water borne diseases. Homemade lunch only be served everyday and no outside/hotel food will be allowed. Regular health/dental check up will be done to monitor health care segment.