Our Mission is to protect and ensure juvenile justice to the defenseless, vagrant children, provides love, care, boarding facility through proper rehabilitation and development programme. Over 2 million children die every year due to early childhood diseases, inadequate newborn care or other easily preventable infection disease. Insufficient or inefficient maintenance of environment around water source, ground water pollution, arsenic and fluoride in drinking water.

Compared to many developing countries in the world, prevalence of maternal death is high in India. Very few women have access to skilled birth Attendees and very few get pre natal and ante natal care. Malnutrition is the main cause of women health issue in India. The maternal mortality rate in rural India is one of the highest in the world 68% of Indian population lives in rural area and 50% among them are living below poverty line Postpartum maternal illness is a serious problem in poor setting area and which continue to contribute maternal mortality all over the country particularly in rural India.

Apart from above, our country bears large number of physically handicapped and mentally retarded people. To add the agony further, millions of children die before they attain an age of five owing to poverty, malnutrition, or other easily curable or preventable diseases. The number of orphans and abandoned are rising day by day owing to fighting between family members , total financial breakdown due to excessive use of liquor or other intoxicants by the parent, communal riots, arson , looting, physical assault, sexual abuse or harassment or other social , communal or natural calamities.

In India malnutrition and various diseases connected with malnutrition is the largest contributor to child mortality. Under weight birth and inter uterine growth are responsible for about 2.2 million child death annually in the world. Deficiencies in Vitamin A or Zinc cause 1 million deaths each year.Children having malnutrition tend to become adult who have smaller babies. Malnutrition is also seen as a reason for more complication to children having disease like measles, pneumonia, and diarrhea. Financially poor, socially isolated, and those who are hospitalized for long period and people having eating disorders are often prone to malnutrition.Children, who are severely malnourished, typically experience slow behavioral development, even mental retardations may occur. Under nutrition may have long term effect in children with impairments in metal function and digestive problem persisting.

Most common diseases connected with shortage of various vitamins are : Scurvy: Normally seen in children. Early symptoms are bleeding and bruising, loss of hair and teeth-swelling in joint coupled with severe pain. Rickets: It is a malnutrition disease due to deficiency in Vitamin D, calcium or phosphorous. When it lack, body extract mineral, calcium or phosphorous from the bone and finally bones become weak and later inability to walk and move.

Goiter: It occurs due to deficiency in iodine and can notice swelling in the neck. Sometime swelling may be large and may seem difficulty in breathing. Anemia: it occur due to deficiency in vitamin B12, and iron. Shortness of breath, fatigue, tiredness and lethargy are symptoms. Marasmus: It affects infants and children mostly. Failure of immune system hence easily prone for many infective diseases, constant fatigue, and loss of weight are common symptom. Kwashiorkor: Early symptoms are total upset on stomach, enlargement of liver, thinning of hair, skin pigmentation, dermatitis, los of teeth, edema in feet, constantly irritable mostly anorexic, weaken immunity system and susceptible into infectious diseases.

Inadequate housing and other basic amenities are another major problem hindering social development in India. As per 2011 census, our 20 million household live in 49000 slums. Apart from above, housing shortage in urban areas are over 25 million. One forth of urban population lives in slums. Census of India 2011 further state that estimated housing shortage of 24.71 million and estimated slum dwellers are above 93.06 million. Life in the most congested and unhygienic slums make one mentally, emotionally and physically unhealthy and unable to do anything creative or useful. Moreover, the tap water which is the single source of drinking water for 70.6% of population became unsafe due to multiple reason culminating outbreak of infectious and waterborne diseases which ultimately break the economic backbone of every poor family.

The untold story of unbearable miseries and tragedies, persistent sufferings, frequent awful situations, dirty and unhygienic living conditions and surroundings violence and fight, regular anguish, continuous situation of risky and dangerous job, conflict between religious, political or criminal group, sudden outburst of epidemic, unexpected assault by gangsters, life in slum seems most dangerous, painful, pathetic than imagination, often feel harder and unbearable.

Most common reasons which force children to live in the street may be, a child is exposed to deviance, drugs, alcoholism, violence or prostitute, has no means to live and no trusted guardian or parent to take care, suffering from some mental or psychiatrically related problem, torture by parents or close relatives etc, addicted to drugs, liquors or other intoxicants, born to unsound mind parents,etc

Whatever may be the reasons or circumstances, living in the street with nobody to care, protect or guide may cause to the children wide range of problem or hazards including violence from local community who tend to exploit them. Violence usually culminates in cuts and woods, sometime in partial injury to organs and body. Often, drug agents use street children as carriers for illicit drugs sales and the children see it as easy means to earn and live. It imperils the children both physically and emotionally and later they have to face serious health issues and other life threatening problem due to bad company or companions.

Street children usually suffer from various diseases and health problem as their living condition is extremely unhygienic and pathetic. They usually drink impure or contaminated water and eat dead cheap or unsafe food stuff hence stomach pain and disorder and common to them. Skeletal or body pain due to physical violence, regular headache and stomach ache due to irregular sleep and unhygienic living and food habits ,respiratory problem due to smocking, inhale of air contained huge amount of dust, fumes and carbon monoxide in the city, high back pain and body ache due to frequent physical assault and fighting. Diarrhea and vomiting due to continuous expose to unhygienic living condition and food related problem. Street children also undergo innumerable other diseases and health problem like heart pain, chest pain, muscle pain, cough, wound and bruises, dental pain and swelling, skin diseases, anemia, intestinal parasitic infections, tonsillitis, hair loss, pale of face etc..

During the last several years, various aspects of Child Welfare Programme on Health and Nutrition, Education and Training, rehabilitation & Development, Recreation and Welfare have received greater attention from state and Central government, NGO’s social planners, municipal and corporation bodies, other local apex bodies, and social workers. Due to the financial constraint many a time government and local bodies allocate meager fund in their plan for Child Welfare/ Development Programme .

A close look at the implementation of Child Welfare programmes all over the India reveal the fact that except statutory provisions on health and nutrition services, bulk of the child welfare project are undertaken by large Non Governmental Organization based both in India and abroad. Most of the world’s top charity organizations are operating in India either through partnership basis or directly. Therefore, the voluntary agencies have indispensible role in the child welfare and development project in India.

Indeed, the contribution made by International Agencies in Child Welfare in India is significant. The UNICEF has given assistance for rural primary health centers; Pre- vocational training, ICDS projects, applied nutrition and a variety of other programmes. UNESCO and ILO have devised different schemes to promote child literacy and prevention of child labor.

Apart from the liberal functional and financial assistance available from various National and International agencies, there is much scope for the NGO to actively engage in this field as problem of STREET CHILDREN is becoming serious due to urbanization and Industrialization. One often comes across children who commit thefts, forced for begging or are loafing about in the cities because of absence of love and security in the homes, extreme poverty, regular conflict and fighting between parents, looking opportunity for livelihood. They come out and try to earn their bread but when they meet with constant failures, they adopt various fair and unfair methods for their existence.

We are planning to provide street and working children of poor family, a childhood that they never experienced and help them to become important and useful members of their family and the society, education facility from LKG, primary, secondary, high school to higher secondary and/or vocational training facilities, primary or basic medical facilities and advanced medical treatment facilities in emergencies, necessary recreational facilities and counseling services, emotional or psychiatric support as and when necessary, Provide regular emotional support and encouragement to the street children to develop their potential by providing creative opportunities. Build permanent home for the poor, misfortunate and defenseless children with adequate facilities for recreation, play and enjoyment.To organize public awareness programme highlighting the pathetic living conditions of street children and take necessary step to rehabilitate them.

With all these broad objectives in mind, this project is proposed to set up an Integrated welfare Center for street children encompassing various activities like Counseling, Child Help line, Day care center, Full care Home for boys and girls and Drop-in -Shelter for Working children.

SOCIAL ACCEPTABILITY As mentioned earlier, most of the street children are fled from their homes owing to one or multiple reason that includes lack of love, affection and security at their home. Often, they have a tendency or opportunity to do some offense for temporally earning or as means for their daily bread. Hence they have to guide and motivate and rehabilitate properly to avoid any chance of diverting them in to any evil action or bad companion which spoils their life later. Much effort in terms of training, guidance and monetary spending is to be put in action, since independence, through organize children, many more still remains to be done in view of the seriousness of the problem. This fact remained or forces us and many more Promotional Agencies both National and International to work for the rehabilitation of the most misfortunate and poor children who live in utter miserable and unhygienic condition.

This project is an integrated approach for the rehabilitation, welfare and development of street and vagrant children in our country.

  • Counseling
  • Health care
  • Day care centers
  • Redeployment
  • Rehabilitation
  • shelters
  • Night shelter
  • Full care home
  • Drop-in-shelters
  • Support services to slums
  • Advocacy and sensitization
  • Child Help line.
  • Identification & collection of street children

Numerous factors contribute to the growth and development of a human being on earth. Of all creation, human being are different from all other living being because of his /her sense, memory, intelligence, power, love, affection , goodness, Charity, generosity, etc. Human character has vital role in the development of good personality and to lead a true and meaningful life. Character actually moulds in childhood days and certainly, the circumstances, surroundings, support, guidance, alliance, education, culture, spirituality are basic factors which contribute huge impact in molding basic character and human value. No matter however rich or poor, prince or peasant, powerful or powerless, celebrity or layman, character gives color and perfection, respect and dignity human life.

Many rich, influential and powerful personalities in our society are seemed to be wretched and brutal, having no human value or quality and often they seems or behave so cruel. The reason for such cruel nature is the way or circumstances they born and bought up. All qualities of humanities are being developed and natured during childhood days by parents, teachers, spiritual leaders, relatives, and our friends through proper guidance ,motivation, discipline, honesty in every deal and punctual life.

The circumstance and the surrounding, one born and bought up, the people who nurse, guide, motivate and develop depends the future of every child. Gentleness and generosity, the mother of all goodness, can be seen in one’s words, deeds, looks, behavior, attitude, and nature. Therefore, what affects the interests of Children affect the family and the society. Good individual are the corner stone for the development of every family, society and the country as well. Considering this fact, childcare and development programmes have been accorded the highest priority in all developed and developing nations in the world.

On the statue books of many countries many come across so many pieces of children’s interests and promotion of their welfare. That is how top priority is accorded by the most developed and developing nations in this direction. Despite of this, the problem of vagrant children is becoming acute due to fast growing urbanization and Industrialization. Children in the age group of 5-18 years leave their homes due to poverty, abuse and broken families. They commit theft; engaged in to begging and loafing or in sales of spurious liquors, dugs or other illegal activities in the cities.